Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog Post #1

My about me- Mckinley Kennedy

Hey everyone! My name is Mckinley Elizabeth Kennedy but I prefer to be called Mac. I am 21 years old and I have a wonderful boyfriend named Dustin. When I am not super busy with school I like to play volleyball, go hunting, and hang out with friendsI am a Junior/Senior here at the University of South Alabama where I am majoring in Physical Education. I started my college career at Faulkner State Community College where I got my associates degree in Elementary Education. I also played volleyball for the two years I was there. You can sort of say that my education has not always been number one on my list. Every since I was little my life has consisted of sports, mainly volleyball. After Faulkner I transferred to University of West Virginia Institute of Technology. I unfornetly had to change my major to Secondary Education since they didn’t have Elementary Education. I quickly learned that major was not for me. So here I am now majoring in Physical Education and I know that this is the right path for me.
As I mentioned in the paragraph above I know that majoring in physical education is my “calling” as some would say. I have chose to major in this because of the many influences I have had in my life. I have had some amazing coaches and teachers along the way. They not only taught me how to play the certain sport, but also life lessons that would help me along the way. Another reason why I am choosing education is because of my mom. She is a paraprofessional at Allentown Elementary. I hear the amazing stories of how she helped a student or changed their life and it just makes me really excited to become a teacher. After I graduate with my Bachelors in Physical Education, I plan to go ahead and get my masters. I would like to be a Physical Education Teacher and also a volleyball coach. Well I guess that is all you really need to know about me. ☺

Randy Pausch- Time Management Video

If anyone really knows me they should know that I am the absolutle worst person with time management. I always say that I will do it later and it wont take me long, then I just don’t end up doing it. I know that this is probably not the time to be telling people this when I am in a class where you need time management. In the video of Randy Pausch I learned that I am not the only one in America that is bad about it. I learned from this video that time management is essential while you are in school. You need to make sure that you plan.

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