Thursday, March 29, 2012
C4T #3
C4T # 3
This week I was assigned to read Jenny She's Blog. It just happened that the Post that I read had to do with Google +. I am very happy that I read to see that she was using Google + too.
For the past month, many of us have heard people around the world, raving about Google Plus--unless of course if you live below sea level or under the rock. I have to admit that I joined Google Plus fairly early because I have friends who are very active in social networking. And ever since, my ride with Google Plus has been very pleasant. I love it totally. So far it has been just a social networking site where I interact with friends globally.
My views changed dramatically last Monday night when I over heard a family member having a "hang out" with her peers. This family member is in her final year of completing her degree in Optometry at Auckland University. There she was hanging out with her optometry classmates discussing about their assignments. They were eight of them in the "hang out" and I could hear them talking and discussing about their topics and I could also hear them laughing at times assuming that one had given the wrong answer. It reminded me of the tutorials that I used to attend when I was at university. To me, this is just awesome, now people do not have to meet in a room in any particular time to hold any meeting. The seemingly important "tutorials" can be held after hours outside the institutions. Imagine how much bus fare or petrol money these students can save over a long period of time. Needless to say there will no excuses like the bus never came or I have no money for the bus fare.
I came across an article while on Google Plus about the possible ways of using Google Plus in the classroom. This article gave many useful tips about the ways that educators can use Google Plus. I personally think that "Circles" and "hang out" would be of great value especially for the classroom. The "circles" can be used to group the students and the "hang out"can used as a teaching and learning tool. And of course, this is just the beginning of many good ideas to come!
Hello Jenny.
I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I am so happy that I got assigned to read your blog this week. For our assignment this week we are actually assigned to use Google +. Before this class I had never heard of Google +. Since being in the EDM 310 class I have learned that you can do so much while using Google +. I plan on using Google + when I start my teaching career. Thanks so much for posting.
C4T #3 Summary
This week I was assigned to read Jenny She's Blog again. I really have enjoyed reading the interesting subjects she has written about. This week she wrote a post about her first experience with Google Plus. I can relate to this blog in so many ways. I was pretty nervous about Google + at first. Now that I am using it constantly, I really like it.
My First Experience with Google Plus
I have been wanting to write this post for a few days but got distracted by my busy life schedule as a teacher. Today seems a perfect day to do it.
I first heard about Google Plus from a Facebook friend by the name of Nicola D. who lives in Italy. He has a post on his wall about how Google was aiming at setting up a social net work site that is very similar to Facebook. I was totally intrigued by what he said and after that I did a bit of reading on the net about the whole thing and I left it at the point. The next day when I got up from bed, I found out that Google Plus was there for real and Nicola was sending out invites. I was too late as his invites were all gone! I felt a little disappointed because I want to be part of it. Two days later, I tried signing up on G+ without any invite and wah la--BINGO! I got in! What followed that was unbelievable! I played with it and circled all the friends that I know very well and of course, Nicola was one of them. It didn't look very user friendly at first but then I got the hang of it and after that, it was a journey of no return from here. I have to say Google Plus totally rocks! Awesome! Awesome!
The privacy feature of Google Plus is most impressive! Now I can add my family members without offending anyone. I can post stuff that I want to whatever circle that I prefer. I have a school circle which consists of only educators and a close friend circle that I can share all things about my life and they won't mind. And more, I have a crazy circle that consists of people whom I think are geeks and nerds that I can learn stuff from.
Inorder to pay forward, I have also send out invites to my good friends who want them and this make feel good because this is what social networking is about! Thank you for coming by, my courteous readers! If anyone need any invites, please leave a comment or follow me on G+.
The photo below shows the cup of coffee that I had on Friday at a cafe in Auckland. I requested Melissa who made the coffee to put the Google plus sign on it--just for fun. Melissa was thrilled to do it. She said in her 5 years of working there, nobody had ever made any personal requests before me.
Hi Jenny,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the EDM 310 class. I have just recently started using Google + and I was a little nervous at first. But after using it for the EDM class I am in, I love it. I have really enjoyed being able to see and use all the neat tools that Google + has to offer. The most interesting tool I have found is the Hangout tool. It is very similar to Skype but it is with Google +. I found this tool very easy to use and a lot of fun. Thanks so much for sharing your blog. I have really enjoyed reading them all.
Mckinley Kennedy
This week I was assigned to read Jenny She's Blog. It just happened that the Post that I read had to do with Google +. I am very happy that I read to see that she was using Google + too.
For the past month, many of us have heard people around the world, raving about Google Plus--unless of course if you live below sea level or under the rock. I have to admit that I joined Google Plus fairly early because I have friends who are very active in social networking. And ever since, my ride with Google Plus has been very pleasant. I love it totally. So far it has been just a social networking site where I interact with friends globally.
My views changed dramatically last Monday night when I over heard a family member having a "hang out" with her peers. This family member is in her final year of completing her degree in Optometry at Auckland University. There she was hanging out with her optometry classmates discussing about their assignments. They were eight of them in the "hang out" and I could hear them talking and discussing about their topics and I could also hear them laughing at times assuming that one had given the wrong answer. It reminded me of the tutorials that I used to attend when I was at university. To me, this is just awesome, now people do not have to meet in a room in any particular time to hold any meeting. The seemingly important "tutorials" can be held after hours outside the institutions. Imagine how much bus fare or petrol money these students can save over a long period of time. Needless to say there will no excuses like the bus never came or I have no money for the bus fare.
I came across an article while on Google Plus about the possible ways of using Google Plus in the classroom. This article gave many useful tips about the ways that educators can use Google Plus. I personally think that "Circles" and "hang out" would be of great value especially for the classroom. The "circles" can be used to group the students and the "hang out"can used as a teaching and learning tool. And of course, this is just the beginning of many good ideas to come!
Hello Jenny.
I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class. I am so happy that I got assigned to read your blog this week. For our assignment this week we are actually assigned to use Google +. Before this class I had never heard of Google +. Since being in the EDM 310 class I have learned that you can do so much while using Google +. I plan on using Google + when I start my teaching career. Thanks so much for posting.
C4T #3 Summary
This week I was assigned to read Jenny She's Blog again. I really have enjoyed reading the interesting subjects she has written about. This week she wrote a post about her first experience with Google Plus. I can relate to this blog in so many ways. I was pretty nervous about Google + at first. Now that I am using it constantly, I really like it.
My First Experience with Google Plus
I have been wanting to write this post for a few days but got distracted by my busy life schedule as a teacher. Today seems a perfect day to do it.
I first heard about Google Plus from a Facebook friend by the name of Nicola D. who lives in Italy. He has a post on his wall about how Google was aiming at setting up a social net work site that is very similar to Facebook. I was totally intrigued by what he said and after that I did a bit of reading on the net about the whole thing and I left it at the point. The next day when I got up from bed, I found out that Google Plus was there for real and Nicola was sending out invites. I was too late as his invites were all gone! I felt a little disappointed because I want to be part of it. Two days later, I tried signing up on G+ without any invite and wah la--BINGO! I got in! What followed that was unbelievable! I played with it and circled all the friends that I know very well and of course, Nicola was one of them. It didn't look very user friendly at first but then I got the hang of it and after that, it was a journey of no return from here. I have to say Google Plus totally rocks! Awesome! Awesome!
The privacy feature of Google Plus is most impressive! Now I can add my family members without offending anyone. I can post stuff that I want to whatever circle that I prefer. I have a school circle which consists of only educators and a close friend circle that I can share all things about my life and they won't mind. And more, I have a crazy circle that consists of people whom I think are geeks and nerds that I can learn stuff from.
Inorder to pay forward, I have also send out invites to my good friends who want them and this make feel good because this is what social networking is about! Thank you for coming by, my courteous readers! If anyone need any invites, please leave a comment or follow me on G+.
The photo below shows the cup of coffee that I had on Friday at a cafe in Auckland. I requested Melissa who made the coffee to put the Google plus sign on it--just for fun. Melissa was thrilled to do it. She said in her 5 years of working there, nobody had ever made any personal requests before me.
Hi Jenny,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student at the University of South Alabama in the EDM 310 class. I have just recently started using Google + and I was a little nervous at first. But after using it for the EDM class I am in, I love it. I have really enjoyed being able to see and use all the neat tools that Google + has to offer. The most interesting tool I have found is the Hangout tool. It is very similar to Skype but it is with Google +. I found this tool very easy to use and a lot of fun. Thanks so much for sharing your blog. I have really enjoyed reading them all.
Mckinley Kennedy
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Blog Post #8
This Is How We Dream Part 1 and 2
By: Richard Miller
While watching this video by Richard Miller, I realized that everything is on the internet. The computer and technology is taking over pencils and paper. Kids will no longer need those once essential items in school anymore. There are so many changes coming in the world and one big change is with technology. As Richard Miller is stating is that you no longer have to send a e-mail or text. There are many more ways to communicate through the computer. Ways like communicating through Skype, I-meet, or Google Hangout.
I keep reading and watching all these videos and articles that we are assigned and it makes me excited to think that I can use all of these ideas with my kids. I realize that in Physical Education you are not in a learning curriculum like you would be if you were sitting in a classroom. But the way I want to teach in the gym, the students are going to be learning a lot. After having some wonderful Physical Education teachers and being able to see and participate in what they taught, it has given me an advantage to use the same ideas or some better ways to teach my students. One example of what I would be teaching is the different sports. The students would be learning the rules, techniques, and how to play. I can use the computer or smartboard to teach the fundamentals of the sport before they play.
This all is going to be a big change to students and teachers. But I believe that in our environment now that we can handle change. The change is not coming at us at one time, but it is coming gradually. This will be a great thing for the future and I am totally ready to take this change and use it to benefit my students in so many ways.
Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
After reading Carly's Blog Post #12, I am totally blown away of all of how creative she is. Carly really took the time on her blog to write all these great things to use for being a teacher and using multimedia in the classroom. After I read her Blog Post #12, I actually read on to other post that she has written. Carly ahas encouraged me to keep writing on my blog even after this class is over. Thanks for sharing everything Carly.
The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies
When I watched the The Chipper Series I laughed the whole time. How Chipper acted in this video was the way I acted before I enrolled in EDM310. Now that I am in the class, EDM is all that I do. This class has taught me so much about Time Management and how to use my creativity. This was a really great video to watch. Thanks Dr. Strange.
While watching the video EDM 310 for Dummies , I can relate to this video too. When I first began to take this class I was overwhelmed just like the two girls in the video. There were times when I to wanted to throw my laptop down cause I was so aggravated about the work and time that was needed to put into this class. But now that I am in this class I have a different attitude towards this class all together. I enjoy writing post on my blogs and learning about all these ideas that teachers use. I am very proud of myself cause I have now used Time Management. I never did before and I now know that it is important in this class.
I think it would really be fun to get a group together and make a cool video to set an example for the next group coming into the EDM 310 class. I know that the future EDMer's will feel the sam way I did. I think it would be great to be a good influence for people just like me.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
This was a really great video to watch. They stated in the video that children our their own space. That space would be the "technology space". Children learn almost as much outside the classroom as much as they do inside the classroom. They are right that we need a change in the classroom, but haven't we already had a huge change? our classrooms are filling up with technology. The curriculum that the students learn, they learn off of technology. In this time now the student steps into the classroom already knowing how to use most technology.
I believe that is an advantage. The students are a step closer to learning more things that they will be learning in the classroom. I personally don't think that there needs to be much more change in the classroom.
Scavenger Hunt 2.0
Step #1: Locate a tool that is similar to Twitter/Facebook and provides a social platform for teachers, parents, and students.
For this step I used Emodo. After looking over this website, I think it would be a great tool to use in the classroom. I like how it had the same layout as Facebook did. I am reallt going to use this tool when I become a teacher. It is a great website to use so that the parents and students can interact with me and see what all that I will have planned for the year.
Step #2: The Emodo website is actually Free. This is a great thing because you never find anything free anymore. For this website being free you will find more interacting between you and the Parents or students. Many people now-a-days wont pay for social networking.
Step #3: To make a comic strip I went to Pixton. It was a free and easy way to make a comic strip. You coulees choose how long you wanted it to be and also the background color. It allowed you to become the artist for the day.
Step #5: Find a tool to create a poll anywhere at anytime. I found a website called PollCode. It is a quick and easy way to create a poll and it is FREE. Here is my poll.
By: Richard Miller
While watching this video by Richard Miller, I realized that everything is on the internet. The computer and technology is taking over pencils and paper. Kids will no longer need those once essential items in school anymore. There are so many changes coming in the world and one big change is with technology. As Richard Miller is stating is that you no longer have to send a e-mail or text. There are many more ways to communicate through the computer. Ways like communicating through Skype, I-meet, or Google Hangout.
I keep reading and watching all these videos and articles that we are assigned and it makes me excited to think that I can use all of these ideas with my kids. I realize that in Physical Education you are not in a learning curriculum like you would be if you were sitting in a classroom. But the way I want to teach in the gym, the students are going to be learning a lot. After having some wonderful Physical Education teachers and being able to see and participate in what they taught, it has given me an advantage to use the same ideas or some better ways to teach my students. One example of what I would be teaching is the different sports. The students would be learning the rules, techniques, and how to play. I can use the computer or smartboard to teach the fundamentals of the sport before they play.
This all is going to be a big change to students and teachers. But I believe that in our environment now that we can handle change. The change is not coming at us at one time, but it is coming gradually. This will be a great thing for the future and I am totally ready to take this change and use it to benefit my students in so many ways.
Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
After reading Carly's Blog Post #12, I am totally blown away of all of how creative she is. Carly really took the time on her blog to write all these great things to use for being a teacher and using multimedia in the classroom. After I read her Blog Post #12, I actually read on to other post that she has written. Carly ahas encouraged me to keep writing on my blog even after this class is over. Thanks for sharing everything Carly.
The Chipper Series and EDM 310 for Dummies
When I watched the The Chipper Series I laughed the whole time. How Chipper acted in this video was the way I acted before I enrolled in EDM310. Now that I am in the class, EDM is all that I do. This class has taught me so much about Time Management and how to use my creativity. This was a really great video to watch. Thanks Dr. Strange.
While watching the video EDM 310 for Dummies , I can relate to this video too. When I first began to take this class I was overwhelmed just like the two girls in the video. There were times when I to wanted to throw my laptop down cause I was so aggravated about the work and time that was needed to put into this class. But now that I am in this class I have a different attitude towards this class all together. I enjoy writing post on my blogs and learning about all these ideas that teachers use. I am very proud of myself cause I have now used Time Management. I never did before and I now know that it is important in this class.
I think it would really be fun to get a group together and make a cool video to set an example for the next group coming into the EDM 310 class. I know that the future EDMer's will feel the sam way I did. I think it would be great to be a good influence for people just like me.
Learn to Change, Change to Learn
This was a really great video to watch. They stated in the video that children our their own space. That space would be the "technology space". Children learn almost as much outside the classroom as much as they do inside the classroom. They are right that we need a change in the classroom, but haven't we already had a huge change? our classrooms are filling up with technology. The curriculum that the students learn, they learn off of technology. In this time now the student steps into the classroom already knowing how to use most technology.
I believe that is an advantage. The students are a step closer to learning more things that they will be learning in the classroom. I personally don't think that there needs to be much more change in the classroom.
Scavenger Hunt 2.0
Step #1: Locate a tool that is similar to Twitter/Facebook and provides a social platform for teachers, parents, and students.
For this step I used Emodo. After looking over this website, I think it would be a great tool to use in the classroom. I like how it had the same layout as Facebook did. I am reallt going to use this tool when I become a teacher. It is a great website to use so that the parents and students can interact with me and see what all that I will have planned for the year.
Step #2: The Emodo website is actually Free. This is a great thing because you never find anything free anymore. For this website being free you will find more interacting between you and the Parents or students. Many people now-a-days wont pay for social networking.
Step #3: To make a comic strip I went to Pixton. It was a free and easy way to make a comic strip. You coulees choose how long you wanted it to be and also the background color. It allowed you to become the artist for the day.
Step #5: Find a tool to create a poll anywhere at anytime. I found a website called PollCode. It is a quick and easy way to create a poll and it is FREE. Here is my poll.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Blog Post #7
For Blog Post #7 we were assigned to watch two videos, The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler and A 7th grader's Personal Learning Environment.
In the video The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler the narrator introduces the Networked Student. This student isn't like the regular student, this student doesn't use textbooks, pencils, or paper. This is strictly a technology student. The student in the video uses blogs, just like we are in EDM 310. Everything this student does is using technology and social networking.
I personally don't think I am ready to teach a Networked Student. It scares me to think that I will soon be in a classroom teaching along side technology. Well atleast I see it that way. Even though I am going to be a Physical Education Teacher, I can still use technology and get my students Networking. When I first started this class, I was not sure why I needed to know how to blog. But a fellow student off mine showed me a great website called Mr. Robbo- The P.E Geek. I browsed through this great website and immediately started thinking of great ideas I could use for my students when I start teaching them. I am totally prepared to start a blog when I become a teacher.
After watching A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment, I feel as though I am totally unorganized with my PLN. This 7th grade student has all of the tools she is using on the Symbaloo. She gave us a tour of all the tools she uses. This student uses her class blog to look up assignments or topics that will be discussed in class. She also uses tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Skype. After watching this I feel as though Symbaloo would be a great tool to use for my PlN. It is so organized and that is something I really need.
In the video The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler the narrator introduces the Networked Student. This student isn't like the regular student, this student doesn't use textbooks, pencils, or paper. This is strictly a technology student. The student in the video uses blogs, just like we are in EDM 310. Everything this student does is using technology and social networking.

After watching A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment, I feel as though I am totally unorganized with my PLN. This 7th grade student has all of the tools she is using on the Symbaloo. She gave us a tour of all the tools she uses. This student uses her class blog to look up assignments or topics that will be discussed in class. She also uses tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Skype. After watching this I feel as though Symbaloo would be a great tool to use for my PlN. It is so organized and that is something I really need.
PLN Project #10
Before registering for the EDM 310 class, I had always gotten on Safari just to get on Facebook or just browse on the Web. I also had never heard of PLN, which stands for Personal Learning Network. The PLN is a set of people and tools that you can call upon for help, or other assistance.
There are a few sites that I have found very useful to be able to call upon people for help, as was said above. Dr. Strange in class the other day showed us, that when doing a group project where we don't have to meet with people, that we can use Google Docs to also chat. This would be while we were writing a project. I just find it so interesting that you can do so much with Google. I always thought it was just a surfing site. It is really been a great thing to learn about.
I am really looking forward to starting the journey with my PLN.
There are a few sites that I have found very useful to be able to call upon people for help, as was said above. Dr. Strange in class the other day showed us, that when doing a group project where we don't have to meet with people, that we can use Google Docs to also chat. This would be while we were writing a project. I just find it so interesting that you can do so much with Google. I always thought it was just a surfing site. It is really been a great thing to learn about.
I am really looking forward to starting the journey with my PLN.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
C4T #2
C4T #1
This week I had to read on Eric Langhorst. I found his blog very interesting. Instead on writing just a bunch of paragraphs about what he was going to talk about, he did podcast for each one. To me personally I found this much easier to stay focused and not get bored by reading a bunch of paragraphs. In this certain blog, Mr. Langhorst talked about how he had missed watching the State of the Union address, but he got on Twitter and read everything that happened just because of people's statuses. It is amazing how much Twitter can actually be useful.
Mr. Langhorst,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I loved listening to your Podcast about the State of the Union address and Twitter. I have a Twitter account but rarely get on it, unless I have to for class. I sometimes like to get on it to see what people write on their statuses about life. I think it is really interesting to read what people have to say, especially if it is about politics. That is where I think Twitter is a good thing. If you miss something on TV, you can always catch up on what happened through the Twitter or Facebook. I enjoyed hearing your points and views on everything that goes on Twitter. I look forward to reading and listening to more of your work. Thank you for sharing.
This week I was assigned to comment on the same teacher. I decided to read/listen to his podcast about Radio Time Machine. This was such an interesting post. I really enjoyed listening to Mr. Langhorst talk about Technology and History. While on a trip, Mr. Langhorst found a old time radio from 1935. He decided to take it home and fix it. Instead he put his I pod in it. It would play throughout the speakers. Mr. Langhorst got some old time radio shows to play on his I-pod, also some interviews and reports. I found this so interesting and I really would enjoy to do something like this too.
Mr. Langhorst,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I found your podcast/blog so interesting. I loved how you took the old radio and used it for something. That would be great if you could find another one and put it in your classroom. Your students would find it very interesting. After listening to the introduction of your podcast and hearing the parts of speeches and old radio shows, I am now going to listen to some. I find History so interesting. Thanks for sharing your blog, I look forward to reading more.
Mckinley Kennedy
This week I had to read on Eric Langhorst. I found his blog very interesting. Instead on writing just a bunch of paragraphs about what he was going to talk about, he did podcast for each one. To me personally I found this much easier to stay focused and not get bored by reading a bunch of paragraphs. In this certain blog, Mr. Langhorst talked about how he had missed watching the State of the Union address, but he got on Twitter and read everything that happened just because of people's statuses. It is amazing how much Twitter can actually be useful.
Mr. Langhorst,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I loved listening to your Podcast about the State of the Union address and Twitter. I have a Twitter account but rarely get on it, unless I have to for class. I sometimes like to get on it to see what people write on their statuses about life. I think it is really interesting to read what people have to say, especially if it is about politics. That is where I think Twitter is a good thing. If you miss something on TV, you can always catch up on what happened through the Twitter or Facebook. I enjoyed hearing your points and views on everything that goes on Twitter. I look forward to reading and listening to more of your work. Thank you for sharing.
This week I was assigned to comment on the same teacher. I decided to read/listen to his podcast about Radio Time Machine. This was such an interesting post. I really enjoyed listening to Mr. Langhorst talk about Technology and History. While on a trip, Mr. Langhorst found a old time radio from 1935. He decided to take it home and fix it. Instead he put his I pod in it. It would play throughout the speakers. Mr. Langhorst got some old time radio shows to play on his I-pod, also some interviews and reports. I found this so interesting and I really would enjoy to do something like this too.
Mr. Langhorst,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I found your podcast/blog so interesting. I loved how you took the old radio and used it for something. That would be great if you could find another one and put it in your classroom. Your students would find it very interesting. After listening to the introduction of your podcast and hearing the parts of speeches and old radio shows, I am now going to listen to some. I find History so interesting. Thanks for sharing your blog, I look forward to reading more.
Mckinley Kennedy
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Blog Post #6
For my Blog Post #6 I had to watch Randy Pausch Last Lecture . Randy Pausch is giving his Last Lecture to a auditorium full of people at Carnegie Mellon University. In this video he is telling the viewers that you are capable of achieving your dreams. There may be "Brick Walls", but they are not there to keep us out. Randy tells us that they are there to prove to ourselves how bad we really want something. Randy Pausch was diagnosed with tumors and given only months to live. He was a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and was a true inspiration to all.
In this video Randy explains all of his childhood memories and the ones that really left an impact on his life. Some of his childhood dream included; Being in zero gravity, Playing in the NFL, Authoring a article in the World Book Encyclopedia, Being Captain Kirk, Winning stuffed animals, and Being a Disney imagineer. One of those dreams that did leave an impact on his life was football. Randy stated that he got more from his football dream than any of the other things that he did accomplish. He could thank his coaches for that. He had an intimidating coach that played at Penn State. Randy remembers his coach riding him real hard at practice one day, he didn't know why till someone said that it was a good thing. When coaches see you doing something wrong and they don't say anything, that means they have given up. Critisism can be a good thing sometimes.
In his first year at Carnegie Mellon, he started a class called Building Virtual Worlds. This class brought together 50 students from Art, Design, Drama, and CS. They would spilt up in different teams and build Virtual Worlds. These students the first time shocked Dr. Pausch. All of the projects were amazing. He came back the next day and told them that the projects were good, but they could do better. How would you take that if your teacher said that? What Randy saw was that his student's projects ended up getting better and better. That example goes back to critics. The students saw that Dr. Pausch was pushing them to think outside the box and to push themselves.
So who helps you achieve your dreams? It can be anyone from a teacher to a friend. Randy states that he had a lot of support from his parents as well as Andy Van Dom. Randy was working for Andy while he was in college. He was the one who influenced Randy to go to Graduate School. Personally I have a huge support system to help me achieve my dreams. This would all come from my mom. She has been there with me through everything. She always let me try new things and let me experience things that some children are never able to do. I think that is why I am so excited about being a teacher. I will be able to share all of my life experiences with the children and be able to understand and know what their dreams are. That way I am able to help them achieve those dreams. As many people have done for me, I am ready to push my students to do great things because I care.
I really enjoyed watching this video by Randy Pausch. It was a real eye opening video and one that I will never forget. I cant wait to be able to start teaching and help students achieve their dreams!
In this video Randy explains all of his childhood memories and the ones that really left an impact on his life. Some of his childhood dream included; Being in zero gravity, Playing in the NFL, Authoring a article in the World Book Encyclopedia, Being Captain Kirk, Winning stuffed animals, and Being a Disney imagineer. One of those dreams that did leave an impact on his life was football. Randy stated that he got more from his football dream than any of the other things that he did accomplish. He could thank his coaches for that. He had an intimidating coach that played at Penn State. Randy remembers his coach riding him real hard at practice one day, he didn't know why till someone said that it was a good thing. When coaches see you doing something wrong and they don't say anything, that means they have given up. Critisism can be a good thing sometimes.
In his first year at Carnegie Mellon, he started a class called Building Virtual Worlds. This class brought together 50 students from Art, Design, Drama, and CS. They would spilt up in different teams and build Virtual Worlds. These students the first time shocked Dr. Pausch. All of the projects were amazing. He came back the next day and told them that the projects were good, but they could do better. How would you take that if your teacher said that? What Randy saw was that his student's projects ended up getting better and better. That example goes back to critics. The students saw that Dr. Pausch was pushing them to think outside the box and to push themselves.
So who helps you achieve your dreams? It can be anyone from a teacher to a friend. Randy states that he had a lot of support from his parents as well as Andy Van Dom. Randy was working for Andy while he was in college. He was the one who influenced Randy to go to Graduate School. Personally I have a huge support system to help me achieve my dreams. This would all come from my mom. She has been there with me through everything. She always let me try new things and let me experience things that some children are never able to do. I think that is why I am so excited about being a teacher. I will be able to share all of my life experiences with the children and be able to understand and know what their dreams are. That way I am able to help them achieve those dreams. As many people have done for me, I am ready to push my students to do great things because I care.
I really enjoyed watching this video by Randy Pausch. It was a real eye opening video and one that I will never forget. I cant wait to be able to start teaching and help students achieve their dreams!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
C4K #1
C4K #1
For the first week i had to read anna rip's blog. She wrote about how cool it would be to open a teacher store, so that all the teachers could go into the store and get essential items they need. Here is what Anna wrote in her blog and what I commented back on.
Anna Ripp
If I can, I will open a store for teachers. My store will have everything that a classroom needs, and some that it doesn’t. I will call it Teachamania, it will supply things like desks, or computers, things that most classrooms have, and also smart boards, overhead projectors, and big versions of the basic objects needed so that the whole class can see. There will be isles for each subject and grade, and even a classroom for other children taught by me!people from any grade may come, but at different times, maybe, one day we have science, then the next we have art. I would love to make and teach Teachamainia.
For the first week i had to read anna rip's blog. She wrote about how cool it would be to open a teacher store, so that all the teachers could go into the store and get essential items they need. Here is what Anna wrote in her blog and what I commented back on.
Anna Ripp
If I can, I will open a store for teachers. My store will have everything that a classroom needs, and some that it doesn’t. I will call it Teachamania, it will supply things like desks, or computers, things that most classrooms have, and also smart boards, overhead projectors, and big versions of the basic objects needed so that the whole class can see. There will be isles for each subject and grade, and even a classroom for other children taught by me!people from any grade may come, but at different times, maybe, one day we have science, then the next we have art. I would love to make and teach Teachamainia.
Hi Anna Ripp.
My name is Mckinley Kennedy. I am a Student at the University of South Alabama. I am majoring in Physical Education. I love your post about opening up a teacher store. That is a great idea for teachers to be able to get all the necessary things they need for their classrooms. It is really hard for teachers to get the materials they need for their classrooms because of funding and also approving it. But with your great idea it would be a breeze for teachers.
Thanks for sharing, Mckinley Kennedy
Hi Dawson.
Thanks for sharing, Mckinley Kennedy
C4K #2
This week I had to comment on Dawson's blog. I loved reading his post about Christopher Columbus. He had so many interesting facts about him that I didn't even know. Columbus brought earthworms and horses over to the new land. When i was in school I don't think i remember reading all the facts and points that Dawson pointed out. I think if i had I would have been more interested in learning more about him.
Dawson's Blog
The Columbus Castle has a hand made wooden door. The Castle is very old and big. The Castle looks grayish it has a cross on the top. The Columbian Exchange it had a lot of diseases. I think that it is about how diseases traveled from one to another and kept on spreading one diseases is Small Pox.Wen Columbus came he brought Earthworms and Horses. He took tomatoes and potatoes for Europe. Wen Columbus set sail he made a deal wit the king and Queen. He said that he wold own lots of the ocean and some of the land. Can you believe that Columbus brought earthworms to the new land, so be fore we did not have earthworms before Columbus.Did you know that they named 50 towns after Columbus. Did you know that Columbus was Admiral of the Ocean Seas.
Hi Dawson.
My name is Mckinley Kennedy. I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading your blog about Christopher Columbus. There were so many great facts that I didn't even know about him. I thought it was really interesting that he brought earthworms and horses with him on his journey. I would have never thought earthworms would have been an item to bring on a ship. But you did a great job with providing a lot of interesting facts. It helped me learn just a bit more about Christopher Columbus that i never knew. Keep up the great work and enjoy blogging.
Thanks, Mckinley Kennedy
C4K #3
This week I had to comment on Rhiannon's Blog for Mr. Avery's class. The blog was about their Christmas vacation and how in Austrailia it is 6 weeks long. Rhiannon talked about all that he did on his vacation. I am quite jealous about all the fun stuff he got to do. He got to go surfing and hang out with his friends.
C4K #4
This week I got to post on Mrs. Yollis's class blog. The first post I read was about how they had a fire fighter come visit their class. It was a student's dad. He showed them all the equipment and how fast he could put it on. It was so interesting to read the post. I felt as though I was back in grade school again.
Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading the blog about having Ellie's dad come to your class. I have always been really interested in learning everything that firemen do. I remember back when I was in grade school and we visited a Firehouse. It was a real experience to see the trucks and where they have all their equipment. It is so great that Ellie's dad could share everything he knows with your class. I loved watching the video to see how long it would take to put the equipment on. You have to be really fast to put all that on. Keep up the great work and I really hope to read more about what all your class is up too. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Mckinley Kennedy
Thanks, Mckinley Kennedy
C4K #3
This week I had to comment on Rhiannon's Blog for Mr. Avery's class. The blog was about their Christmas vacation and how in Austrailia it is 6 weeks long. Rhiannon talked about all that he did on his vacation. I am quite jealous about all the fun stuff he got to do. He got to go surfing and hang out with his friends.
C4K #4
This week I got to post on Mrs. Yollis's class blog. The first post I read was about how they had a fire fighter come visit their class. It was a student's dad. He showed them all the equipment and how fast he could put it on. It was so interesting to read the post. I felt as though I was back in grade school again.
Dear Mrs. Yollis and Class,
My name is Mckinley Kennedy and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM 310 class at the University of South Alabama. I really enjoyed reading the blog about having Ellie's dad come to your class. I have always been really interested in learning everything that firemen do. I remember back when I was in grade school and we visited a Firehouse. It was a real experience to see the trucks and where they have all their equipment. It is so great that Ellie's dad could share everything he knows with your class. I loved watching the video to see how long it would take to put the equipment on. You have to be really fast to put all that on. Keep up the great work and I really hope to read more about what all your class is up too. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Mckinley Kennedy
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