Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog Post #7

For Blog Post #7 we were assigned to watch two videos, The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler and A 7th grader's Personal Learning Environment.

  In the video The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler the narrator introduces the Networked Student. This student isn't like the regular student, this student doesn't use textbooks, pencils, or paper. This is strictly a technology student. The student in the video uses blogs, just like we are in EDM 310. Everything this student does is using technology and social networking.

 The Networked Student     I personally don't think I am ready to teach a Networked Student. It scares me to think that I will soon be in a classroom teaching along side technology. Well atleast I see it that way. Even though I am going to be a Physical Education Teacher, I can still use technology and get my students Networking. When I first started this class, I was not sure why I needed to know how to blog. But a fellow student off mine showed me a great website called Mr. Robbo- The P.E Geek. I browsed through this great website and immediately started thinking of great ideas I could use for my students when I start teaching them. I am totally prepared to start a blog when I become a teacher.
PE Geek

After watching A 7th Grader's Personal Learning Environment, I feel as though I am totally unorganized with my PLN. This 7th grade student has all of the tools she is using on the Symbaloo. She gave us a tour of all the tools she uses. This student uses her class blog to look up assignments or topics that will be discussed in class. She also uses tools like YouTube, Facebook, and Skype. After watching this I feel as though Symbaloo would be a great tool to use for my PlN. It is so organized and that is something I really need.


  1. Hi Mckinley,
    My name is Kasey and I have been assigned to your blog this week.
    I enjoyed your post. I will have to say that I am a little nervous about teaching with technology as well. And I use technology all the time. But don't ever underestimate yourself. This class is setting you up to succeed! You will do great! Keep up the good work.

  2. I am glad you found Mr. Robbo! I am sure there are more like him.

    We can all learn from each other - and from our students!
