Sunday, April 15, 2012

Blog Post #11

After watching First Graders In Ms. Cassidy's Class, I was so amazed. In every picture in the video there were kids with Technology. I am so happy to see that these kids are getting a great opportunity to learn such great things about Technology. Every student does a blog in Ms. Cassidy's class and they love.
  Another really interesting subject that stuck out in this video was the fact that they got to use their Nintendo DS. I work at a daycare and do after school care, every afternoon the kids come in the room and play on them. I had some different thoughts on the kids playing them. I was thinking that they could "rot their brains". I would always tell them to read a book, and that they would learn something doing that.  After watching this video, I can see the DS in a whole new way. I have decided that I am going to do some research on the DS so that I can see what all great things it has to offer.  This video was really interesting to watch. The children in Ms. Cassidy's look like they are learning a lot.

Next we had to watch the Skype Interview. This video was made in 2010 between Dr. Strange and Ms. Cassidy. I loved listening to the questions that Dr. Strange asked Ms. Cassidy. I find it amazing that just by the school putting computers in the classroom that  Ms. Cassidy could turn that into the getting her students to blog. After watching this I really feel that blogging could be a big part of my career. I will not only let my students blog, but I will also make my own blog so that the parents can keep up with what we are doing in class during the day.
 After watching all these videos of teachers making a difference in the classroom, it makes me realize that I can make a difference not only with my students but also with technology. In Ms. Cassidy's class, they rarely use a pencil and paper. They are using technology all around. It is so amazing how you can learn so much by just playing around on a computer and the smart board. I have a lot of mixed feelings about technology sometimes though. Should it be used for everything? I don't think so but then again I do. I really enjoyed watching the skype video. It really inspired me.


  1. Yes, you can make a difference. And let us know what you find about using the DS. I suspect you will get more takers than asking them to read a book.

    Thorough, Thoughtful, Well Done!

  2. Great post Mckinley! You know, my Grandfather told me on multiple occasions that playing my Nintendo (I'm old) was going to "rot my brain"... So I actually laughed out loud when I read that in your post. You know something though, he said that if I could learn to do my homework with the same enthusiasm I had for playing those video games, I would be a straight A student... I think he was on to something back in the early '90s. Technology is the key to the future education of our nation's children, and we are the gate keepers. You can not only make a difference in a student's life, you have the potential to be one of the most influential people in their lives. That is what motivates me, how about you?
